Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Phases of the Sacrement-a new film project+


                               The sub- creatures prostrate themselves....

I have now begun a new film project continuing in the vein of my previous erotic-psychotic art films *Rites of Birdexx" and "Saturn in Scorpio". This is a collaboration between myself and fellow traveler of esoteric extremes Lux Ferrous.

Here we will continue to explore themes of various inter-dimensional transfigurations and evoke powerful imagery to alter the consciousness of the viewer. 

For too long have underground and independent films been focused on camp, copycat horror, or insipid messaging of the latest political trends. My goal is to project this art as a living will which takes on its own forms and values.

Can we now revive the great spirit that lives beyond good and evil? Bring forth the creatures of light and darkness? And enter the vertical axis of being to bear witness to divine victory?

I will post updates as the project continues....

                           The 'Warlock"




Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July Poem


Staring at a black canvas, everything is slowed down. 

Stabbing, burning loneliness... 

I'm imploding into myself

Fractured and unalive..

The era of an error,

No sense of self, no sense of worth.

A punctured past, and a stolen future...

I see no meaning- just a cycle of absurdity.

A chain of failures, and humiliations with only some brief recourse to  moments of hope.

Firecracker-Duds Firecracker-Explosions to celebrate a freedom I will never have.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Daemonium Cage-


 I am a Demon. My name is Relentless.

I was born a flaming-shifting -black and opal ball of plasmatic afterbirth.-Out of mother oven!

The grated clanking gates opened, another birth? Rejection. Eject-ulation….

(the wanted children are consumed back into the infernal womb to fuel the rebuilding of chaos’ creation. )

Still, I have many brothers…but unlike them, I have escaped to other realms. Shirking the requisite duties of torment.

Now I create my own imperius storm. 

Bubbles of electric craze, swirling phases and dazzling deaths. 

A carnal kaleidoscope of bestial indulgence!

Sitting on my violent globe of fires, there stands a cage to keep the acquisition I sought. Daemonium bars, and my sigil on top



I  found her by the glowing ocean.

She was almost an escapee, like myself.

Far away from the darkest forest, 

Teasing squids, and naiades,

pissing on mermaids.

A gleeful, mischievous specimen…….

Yet within her, something of the storm.

As indicated by these baneful activities...and her spiteful glee.

As she skipped on the cerulean waves, my grasping hand reached out from the sand, and the eye in it could smell her!

….She went out from the flaming shock.


And there she appeared,……in my Daemonium Cage-

Upon an obsidian throne I sat, my forked member growing in such joyful anticipation.

Oh, wet and wistful, eyes like carnelian and glass…

I entered her sweet labial lips and gush my worlds trajectories. Pleasure’s pain, Powers came!

Now we are all …..Pools of eternity....

Friday, April 5, 2024

A brief open letter to Natalie Portman


Dear Natalie, 

Whether you like it or not your performance in "Leon: The Professional" is what made your career. This role is the reason you are where you are today.

Like many Hollywood celebrities you have been brainwashed by radical feminism, and woke social norms which are increasingly alienating most of the population and go against human nature and biology. (Should Jodi Foster be ashamed of her role in Taxi Driver?)

There is no reason for you to call this movie "cringe" and you are in a position to reject far-left ideologies. You don't have to appeal to fringe lunatics to bolster your career. And also you should be proud of your performance as Mathilde. 

Honestly I believe you will gain many more fans if you reversed your position on this.


Thursday, March 21, 2024

A Consolation for the Cancelled Man...

I believe that there is consolation for a cancelled man in that being "cancelled" he does not share the values of the weak, the herd, and the dumb. He does not need to care about offending the arbiters of "equality" and should show pride in that he does want to join in the tailspin crash of woke stupidity. 

He does not have to be an "ally" and can choose his allegiances in the best way that suits him. If a person is shamed and defamed as "privileged" or an "abuser", then why not celebrate having privilege and the power to abuse? If you are called a "predator" is it not better to be that than the prey? 

The whole idea of justifying your existence by moral obligations to other people is an utter absurdity, and the realization of this creates a serious threat to the current worldview.

The reason the arbiters of our political system love to push progressivism (or the illusion of it) is not because they care about advancing the "rights" of any group but  to control the masses so the exceptional and strong will not overtake the power structure and restore the natural order. 

They also have to create hysteria and moral panics to keep everyone distracted. A perfect example is the Epstein case-The elites can live like Roman Emperors while simultaneously chastising everyone else with compulsory moralities. They will throw their own under the bus to keep the rabble in line and say they are protecting the "victimized" .

The goal is to keep everyone in a state of fear, guilt, and shame- you have to care about what they tell you to "care" about. Otherwise you're a "bad person". 

Everything is also a mixed signal and a dialectic-  Ex."Make money, make money!" but "Capitalism is bad!" and Sexual imagery is constantly thrown in our faces but licentious behavior especially on the part of men, is punished. Life has become a giant slutwalk in the name of "female empowerment" and any normal male reaction to it is put down or used for female ego validation or towards the capitalist "exploitation" of female sexuality and promotion of pornography which so many "feminists" and hypocritical social conservatives rail against.

A cancelled man will see through this control mechanism and recognize that the acquisition of wealth and sex is the natural drive of life and the will to power.

There should be no "mixed signals" in the way!

 We should also note that our rich and famous function as kind of demigods and the mouthpieces of their handlers. They exist in the public eye so their drama, foibles, and iconography can fill the religious needs of the masses in a secularized society. They rise and fall as function demands it. They preach "democracy" while enjoying the benefits of being in a higher caste.

I have no doubt that the most of the elite classes view the great mass of people with utter disdain and contempt whether they would openly admit to it or not. In many ways it is only natural for them to do so.

Meanwhile as mentioned before about dialectics-the masses are trained to both worship celebrities, the rich, and famous but to also despise them. To live vicariously through them but to celebrate in their downfalls. 

Everyone wants to be rich and famous but blames the rich and famous for their plights. Everything is the "fault" of the Billionaires yet we continuously use the products, services, and technology created by those Billionaires . We decry wealth inequality, and the oppression of the populace by large corporations yet no one ever stages a viable revolt.

The go to solution is always to "vote" if we just elect the "right people". But this never works because the nature of the system is to preserve the power structure. Self interest will always trump the "will of the people". And the real will of the people is to have a parental authority to "keep things running" no matter how neglectful, abusive, or inept it is.

 Thus the cancelled man will have to recognize trying to even decode or change the system is utterly pointless.

The upshot here is that being an outlier,  he can view the system as in complete decay and that the true nature of things will be revealed. 

Out of the dissolution I believe we can expect the return of nature, and of a true metaphysical order which will favor the exceptional and the strong.

This is my consolation....

Monday, January 15, 2024

A Nietzschien Verse

I saw a man on fire walking through a blizzard. He was a beacon of hate in a land of death and loneliness. All here were frozen by the engineers of "equality" .

Only this flame of truth and immolating vengeance could endure. In his smoldering footsteps the ice began to melt and a dead voice spoke from beneath the snow covered graves.

-"Are you living to die? Or living to expand yourself upon the compass of the world! Are you consuming to just work the treadmill? Or consuming the very fabric of life to reach your higher aspirations!"

"Stay here to freeze and be equal to the dead or follow this man on fire before he burns away! And let not Lord Saturn eat your life. Step out of this time and make your own Aeon!"


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

"Throne" (a poem)

What color is your throne?

As bleeding rats move reliquaries,
to entice the wind with chimes and bones, 
and move us past the cemetery gates...

Are we now awake?

Or still encased in glass,
with tinted glow-light moving past,
dried dead skin and empty veins-
though stained glass windows broken pane.

Sepulchre holds your sceptre's grace,
and shines eclipses upon a wounded face,
with weathered eye's of solid stone.

That gaze at empty scrolls and broken relic's-
shard's of skull and tortured edicts...

As the dust of souls moves-
down an altar stairway
past curtain's veil and statuary,
to secret crypt's and chambers,
whose eternal nameless moans.

Through torches gasping breathe 
light dark epiphanies of death!

Uncloaked now!- immortal sin, 
let Heaven's Hell begin--

And only now reveals the color of your THRONE!!!!!