Friday, April 5, 2024

A brief open letter to Natalie Portman


Dear Natalie, 

Whether you like it or not your performance in "Leon: The Professional" is what made your career. This role is the reason you are where you are today.

Like many Hollywood celebrities you have been brainwashed by radical feminism, and woke social norms which are increasingly alienating most of the population and go against human nature and biology. (Should Jodi Foster be ashamed of her role in Taxi Driver?)

There is no reason for you to call this movie "cringe" and you are in a position to reject far-left ideologies. You don't have to appeal to fringe lunatics to bolster your career. And also you should be proud of your performance as Mathilde. 

Honestly I believe you will gain many more fans if you reversed your position on this.
