Monday, April 15, 2013

I, The Demon? Rites of Birdexx 1st cut and comments from a colleague

I have now completed my 1st cut of my erotic/art/horror short Rites of Birdexx, and put it up for view.

 Fellow filmmaker and Red Masque drummer Steve Craig gave me some feedback:

"True story.. I was having terrible night terrors, sleep paralysis, 
false awakenings, the works.
At one point you appeared standing in my room while I couldn't 
move and I felt my skin melting into my sheets. 
I thought when I wake up from this,
I have to watch that film he sent, and that's exactly what I did. 
My mind's in a really dark place right now so it was perfect like anextension of my nightmares. 
There was a lot of really cool ideas you had in there. 
I probably wouldn't change much cause I'm convinced this is the 
unaltered visions of a madman, which is exactly what you're going for."